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Sage Upstate Board

The Sage Upstate Board of Directors sets the goals and vision for the organization, sets policy, and maintains the financial stability of the organization. The board meets monthly, and members chair and serve on committees that do the work of the organization. If you are interested in nominating someone (including yourself) to serve on the board, please contact our office at 315-478-1923.

SAGE Upstate Bylaws here

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Bob Bezy, Chair


Mattie Cerio


Will Doswell, Vice Chair


Barb Genton


Jenny Gluck, Treasurer

(not pictured)


Rita Gram,

Recording Clerk


Susan Horn

(Not pictured)


Jerry Reed


Liz Stehle

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Executive Director
Kim Dill

315-478-1923 x1

Email Kim

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Program Director
Leslie Lamb

315-478-1923 x2

Email Leslie

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Social Media and Office Coordinator
Johna Melius

315-478-1923 x3

Email Johna




Masani Tyler

315-478-1923 x5

Email Masani


Administrative Assistant
Carol Notar

315-478-1923 x 4

Email Carol

SAGE Upstate Staff

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SAGE Upstate Center
431 E Fayette St. #050
Syracuse, NY 13202


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