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Program Director Leslie Lamb

Find out about all SAGE programs on this page. SAGE offers health, social and support programs for older LGBTQ people. Currently, most of our programs are held in person at our Center at 431 E Fayette St (located in the CNY Philanthropy Center), and other locations in the community. Some programs offer a hybrid format, so participants can meet in person or on Zoom. You'll find all the information you need below.

For more info, contact Leslie: or (315) 478-1923

Coming Up At SAGE:

For more info on any of these (or other) programs, contact Leslie: 315-478-1923

Lunch & Learns

All presentations start at 11:30AM and lunch is served. To RSVP, contact Leslie at 315-478-1923 or Please let us know of any dietary restrictions

​March 25: Legacy Building with Jim Brule (End of Life Doula)
“Stories are the way we carry the legacy of our family throughout time. Telling and retelling those stories with an ear and heart for the future enables everyone to actively celebrate each other’s lives.” 


April 1: Atwal Sleep & Wellness. Sleep Specialists will present on healthy sleeping habits, various sleep disorders and treatment options.


April 22: Mental Health Wellness. The Program Director of Lemoyne College’s Clinical Mental Health Program will present on ways to improve your mental health.


May (date TBD): Medical Cannabis
NYS Office of Cannabis Management will present on pharmacology of cannabis; side effects;drug interactions; dosing; routes of administration; risks/ benefits; warnings and precautions; and abuse and dependence.

May 6: Regenerative Medicine Victory in Motion staff will educate and empower individuals with cutting-edge knowledge about advancements in healthcare, particularly in regenerative medicine,and how it can improve quality of life.

TheaterThursday 3-20: Twister-Thon


Twister, 1996

3:00 pm


Twisters, 2024

6:00 pm

Feeling blown about by the current climate in our country? Why not escape to a different kind of hot air? Join us for a Twister-Thon in the center on March 20. We'll show the 1996 film, Twister, at 3 pm and the 2024 film, Twisters at 6 pm. Come for one, come for both -- popcorn provided. 



Mahjongg on the last Friday of the month -- learn to play or or if you already know how, just  come to play this tile game of  of skill, strategy, and luck. 

On Game Night, March 18, 6 pm, we will be playing LRC (Left, Right, Center) Game subject to change depending on participants choice. 

New Men's Peer Support Group

A new Men's Peer Support group has started, and will meet on the First Tuesday and Third Monday at 6:00 pm in the center.  If you are interested in joining the group or would like information, please contact Leslie at or 315-478-1923. 


Meals Out

To RSVP, contact Ron or Leslie at 315-478-1923 or​


1st Thursday Dinner: 3/6, 6 pm, New Century Vietnamese Restaurant, 518 Kirkpatrick St., Syracuse NY  13208

2nd Thursday Breakfast: 3/13, 9:30, Breakfast Group.  Firekeepers Restaurant.  3879 Frontage Rd.  Nedrow NY. 13208

3rd Thursday Lunch: 3/20, 12:30 Finally Ours Diner    3788 W. Seneca Take  Syracuse, 13215 

String Cheese Music Group

Have you ever wanted to learn to play  stringed instrument? Do you play already and want to join a fun group? On the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 10:30 am, you can come to the center and learn the basics about acoustic string instruments like guitar, ukulele, banjo, mandolin… as long as it doesn’t have to be plugged in. Bring your lunch for after playing. 

FYI: The Center will be closed January 1 and January 20​

Oral History Project

Gary Fitzgerald (pictured above) and Will Doswell are creating an archive of 15-20 Zoom video interviews that tell our stories.  Gary moderates --the topic is up to you. Interested? Contact: Gary at ;  Will   wdoswell@aol.comGary Fitzgerald-  or call SAGE at 315-478-1923.

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​Knitting & Fiber Arts

Our Fiber Arts group starts up again on Wednesday 9/11, and continues every Wednesday at 7 pm. Come and learn to knit or crochet --  or come to socialize and work on fiber arts with others. 


​Knitting and Fiber Arts: Returning on Wednesday Nights at 7 SAGE Upstate Center on 9/11.  Join others working on fiber arts - knitting, crocheting, and others.


Meals Out: Join your SAGE friends out for breakfast, lunch and dinner The group meets at different local restaurants each month. Would you like to be on the list to get restaurant information each month? Contact Leslie at 315-478-1923 or, and she will pass it on to Ron, the group leader. 

          Dinner: 1st Thursday, 6:00

          Breakfast: 2nd Thursday, 9:30

          Lunch: 3rd Thursday, 12:30


Men's Night Out: Join SAGE men for food, games and social time. Third Friday at 7:00 pm.


Monday Men's Group: Men's Empowerment group -- closed group, but new members are accepted a few times per year. If you would like to find out more, email Leslie here


Oswego Social: Potluck for SAGERS from Oswego County and beyond. Meets on the 4th Sunday of each month at Trinity Methodist, 45 E Utica St in Oswego. For more info: Leslie at or 315-478-1923. Folks in Oswego meet for a meal out every month too. Find out more here.​


SAGEVets: Social/Support group for older LGBTQ Veterans. Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month in the SAGE Upstate Center and on Zoom. 

Zoom log in:     

​Call in: 929 205 6099          Meeting ID: 871 5736 4984    Password:1969  

For more info: Leslie at or 315-478-1923.


Second Sunday Potluck: If you are able to, bring a dish to pass at this social program, held in the 2nd Floor Ballroom of the CNY Philanthropy Center (431 E Fayette St -- if you've been to SAGE, this is 2 floors up). 3:00 pm Social Time; 4:00 pm Program; Dinner immediately following program.


SPARK:  Social Pride Alliance for Rainbow Kinship is an ever-evolving “safe space” within SAGE Upstate for people of Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color (BIPOC) Communities who identify as LGBTQ+ and our allies. Find out more here.


​GenderBlend: People from the trans community -- all gender identities and expressions --  meet on the 2nd Saturday in the SAGE Center and on Zoom at 7 pm to socialize and support one another. ​For more info contact Johna at Zoom link:

          GenderBlend: 2nd Saturday, on Zoom 

          Join Zoom Meeting: 

          Meeting ID: 896 9963 6095        

           Passcode: 1969


Utica Social:  Meet with SAGERS from Oneida County and beyond on the1st Saturday of each month at Utica Unitarian, 10 Higby Rd. For more info, with Leslie at 315-478-1923. Utica has other programs too -- find more info here


Walking Group:  The group meets for a walk every Thursday at 11:00 am -- contact Leslie at or 315-478-1923 for location


Watertown Potluck: Meets on the 3rd Saturday, 2 pm at All Souls Unitarian Universalist
1330 Gotham St.


Writers Group:  Join writers of all genres and experience levels on Zoom to share work, and support each other through the writing process. Meets on Zoom only:

Wednesdays at 5:30 On Zoom only

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 596 630 088​

Passcode: 1969

Join by phone: 929 205 6099 US (New York)​​

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SAGE Upstate Center
431 E Fayette St. #050
Syracuse, NY 13202


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