SAGE Upstate promotes the well-being of older gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning people in CNY through health programs, socials, support groups, & education.
Regional Programs

Join us for a potluck dinner -- bring a dish to pass if you are able. Meets in December on Sunday, 12/22 at 2 pm. Trinity Methodist Church 45 E Utica in Oswego

Join us for the Utica Potluck on the 1st Saturday each month at 2:00 pm. The group meets at Utica Unitarian, 10 Higby Rd in Utica
For more information about the Utica Potluck, contact Dori Colvin and Robin Latham here.

Watertown now has a monthly potluck, led by Billy and Stacy Monica (pictured here). It meets on the 3rd Saturday at 2 pm at All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 1330 Gotham St. in Watertown.