SAGE Upstate promotes the well-being of older gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning people in CNY through health programs, socials, support groups, & education.
Central New York Organizations serving the LGBTQ Community​
Black Cuse Pride: creates events and activities which stimulate capacity-building, empowerment and respect. Through BCP Lesbian, Gay, Bi- Sexual, Trangender, and Queer have a voice! www.facebook.com/BlackCusePride/
Central New York Chapter, New York Civil Liberties Union, www.nyclu.org/regions/central
CNY Pride, www.cnypride.org Organizes the local pride parade and offers programs and events to encourage, empower, and celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community and their friends, families, and supporters.
Cortland LGBT Resource Center: https://cortlandlgbtqcenter.org/ Creates a visible and empowered community through education, advocacy, resource enhancement, and linkages to essential services for all LGBTQ people, as well as their families and friends.
FAIRNY: fairny.org. Focus on Awareness and Information Resources of NY organizes the LGBT booth at the NY State Fair to distribute resources for LGBT people and allies across NY State. fairny.org.
Inclusive Health and Services at Upstate:
https://www.upstate.edu/id/healthcare/ihs/ offersan affirming space for primary care to the LGBTQ+ community, including transgender care, regardless of HIV status.
Legal Services of Central New York, www.lscny.org
Q Center, https://www.acrhealth.org/youth-programs/q-centers/, LGBTQ Youth in Central New York, Mohawk Valley and Northern NY.
Q Law: legal assistance and advice on issues related to being LGBT. 315-579-2576
Syracuse Gay and Lesbian Chorus, www.syrglc.org A community choral ensemble of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their allies
Syracuse University LGBT Resource Center, lgbt.syr.edu Provides education, advocacy, support, and safe space for LGBT and allied students, staff, faculty, parents, and alumni of Syracuse University.
Transgender Alliance of CNY Community service organization for the Transgender Community in Upstate NY, http://www.tgacny.net/
Vera House, www.verahouse.org Works to end all domestic and sexual violence, to assist families in crisis, and to support those affected by domestic and sexual violence.
Volunteer Lawyers Project of CNY: LGBT Rights Program: https://vlpcny.org/
LGBTQ Organizations in New York State
Capital District Gay and Lesbian Community Council, capitalpridecenter.org Serves the Albany-area lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.
Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley, www.gayalliance.org A coalition of individuals and groups based in Rochester, serves GLBT persons with education and advocacy programs.
In Our Own Voices, www.inourownvoices.org Based in Albany, serves the needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender People of Color
The LGBT Community Center, www.gaycenter.org New York City LGBTQ Center providing services, advocacy, educational and cultural/recreational programs.
New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, www.avp.org Provides free and confidential assistance to victims of anti-LGBTQ hate crimes, domestic violence, sexual assault and HIV-related violence.
East Coast Two- Spirit Society https://www.facebook.com/ec2ss/ Works to increase the visibility of the LGBTQ Two-Spirit people
Pride Center of Western New York, www.pridecenterwny.org Works to make Western New York a safe, healthy and satisfying place for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people to live, work and establish their families.
New York State Organizations Serving LGBTQ Seniors
Center Sage www.lgbtqcenter.org A senior program of the Hudson Valley LGBTQ Center in Kingston, NY
GRIOT Circle www.griotcircle.org Community based organization in Brooklyn serving older LGBT persons, especially Elders of Color
The LOFT Senior Silver Connections Program www.loftgaycenter.org A Senior Outreach Program located in the Lower Hudson Valley which provides social, recreational, and cultural activities for LGBT seniors 55 years and older.
SAGE of the Genesee Valley www.gayalliance.org Provides social and educational programs to enhance the lives of older gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (GLBTI) individuals. A program of the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley
SAGE, Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders www.sageusa.org Located in Manhattan, SAGE is the world's oldest & largest organization working to meet the needs of aging GLBT persons with services, education, and advocacy.
SAGEVets is a statewide program to help lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender older adults who are veterans of military service improve their access to the VA and other veteran services, as well as support their overall health and wellness. https://sagenyc.org/nyc/sagevets/index.cfm
SAGE - Long Island https://lgbtqexplorer.org/services/sage-long-island Serves LGBT seniors in Long Island, with heath and wellness programming, support, advocacy, and educational services. A program of the Long Island GLBT Community Center.
Queens Center for Gay Seniors https://www.facebook.com/QueensCenterforGaySeniors/ Community-based senior center providing educational and recreational activties for LGBT older adults.
Organizations Serving LGBTQ Seniors Across the US
National Resource Center on LGBT Aging, lgbtagingcenter.org
Old Lesbians Organizing for Change, www.oloc.org
SAGE Net: Sage organizations around the US:
www.sageusa.org/advocacy/sagenet.cfm Sage organizations around the US
National Organizations
AARP, www.aarp.org
Human Rights Campaign, www.hrc.org
National Center for Transgender Equality, www.nctequality.org/
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, www.thetaskforce.org
National Institute on Aging: www.nia.nih.gov