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Tropical Shapes

Tea Dance & Bale Sale

March 22, 2 - 5 pm

 Join us for a Tea Dance in the afternoon on Saturday March 22, 2:00 - 5:00 pm with DJ Rockin' Robin. There will be all the fun of a night-time dance, but it's still daylight when you drive home! But that's not all. This year we are holding a bake sale, so you can pick up some sweet treats on the way out the door. Donations for dance admission ($10 suggested, more if you can/ less if you can't), and sale of baked good supports SAGE Upstate programs. We are looking for folks to donate baked goods. Would you like to bake something and donate it for this event? Please contact Leslie: 315-478-1923 or

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March Raffle

$100 Stewart's Shop Gift Card & Jumper Cables


$1 for one ticket          $5 for six tickets

Get tickets at all potlucks and programs, and in the center

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SAGE Upstate Center
431 E Fayette St. #050
Syracuse, NY 13202


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